How To Recapture the Wonder of the Christmas Story

It was the day after Thanksgiving, and we had just unboxed our tree. It sat bare in the living room while I went to the garage to fetch all the trimmings. My husband strung the lights and I set out the boxes of ornaments, marveling at all the colors and memories, but something felt off. […]

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The Top 8 Free Advent Devotionals for You or Your Family

So much of living well is about waiting well, and this is especially true in the in the lives of those who follow Jesus. We are expectant people, people who long for the renewal and restoration of all things. We are witnesses to the pain and sorrow in our own lives, in the lives of […]

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A Throne of Lies or Grace: How To Spot the Real God

Maybe you’ve seen it. Maybe you’ve seen it so many times, you have the scene memorized: Buddy the Elf, played by Will Ferrel, is beyond excited that Santa will be coming to the department store. But when Santa arrives and invites a boy onto his lap, Buddy senses that something is amiss. He gets right […]

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Why Jesus’ Human Body is Good News for Us

The house was quiet. I was sitting on the couch, wrapped up in my favorite blanket, with a book on my lap and a scented candle flickering by the window. I took a sip of my tea, and thought: this is a sacred moment. But was it? Because on the heels of that thought came […]

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How To Be Intentional and Reduce Overwhelm This Holiday Season

We know the holiday season is coming: we can see it around the bend, looming larger and larger as it approaches. Soon Thanksgiving will be behind us and then we’ll be scrambling to prepare for Christmas! These next few months are usually intense, like someone has turned up the dial on all the noise, all […]

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How To Prepare Him Room in Our Souls This Advent

Before the angels appeared to the shepherds on the hillside, there had been 400 years of silence. Between the pages of the Old Testament, and the New—a mere second for us to flip—lived a people waiting in anticipation of their Messiah. In those four hundred years, there had been no new word from God, no […]

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Holiday Shopping to Change the World: Holiday Gifts That Give Back

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is spreading God’s love through gift giving! Most of the time, I’m not a huge fan of our consumerist culture which insists that I just need to buy more to be happy. But… I do believe that our consumerism can be redemptive! When we are thoughtful […]

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Three Steps to Having the Best Holiday Season (for YOUR Family)

Now that Halloween is behind us, we are officially in the holiday season. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas comes on its heels. This was my favorite time of year as a child, and I still love it—but now as a mom, I understand how much work goes on behind the scenes to […]

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How to be Faithful in the Christmas Waiting

December is the longest month for kids. The anticipation of Christmas morning, of finally tearing into all those pretty packages under the tree has them wishing they could fast forward the days. Instead, the first thing my boys do when they come downstairs in the morning is to flip the numbered blocks on their homemade […]

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How to Push the Reset Button This Christmas

One of my favorite parts of this season is waking up before anyone else, and coming downstairs to be greeted by the glow of the Christmas tree. I sit across from it in my darkened living room and admire the halo of colored lights as I sip my coffee. The morning is new. The day […]

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